SPL applications are due by February 9. ASPL applications are due by February 15. PLC applications are due by February 22. All other applications are due by February 26. If you do not meet a qualification for a job but believe you are a good fit and would like to apply, you must contact the Scoutmaster BEFORE applying to discuss. All Junior Leaders are strongly encouraged to attend the ILST (Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troop) training coming up this spring (exact date to follow). PLC members must attend or discuss with the Scoutmaster.

Scout Commitment

I have read and understood the responsibilities and commitments associated with all the leadership positions which I have listed as my choices above. I agree that, if I am assigned to one of them, I will accept those responsibilities and keep that commitment. I also believe that I meet the qualifications for those positions.

If you agree to the commitment, sign your name above.

Parent Involvement

I promise I have reviewed the job descriptions for the jobs applied for with my parent(s) and they understand the commitment I am making. They agree to support me by helping to make me available for meetings and activities, and by providing encouragement at home. We both realize that, once I have been assigned one of these roles, my active involvement is necessary for the smooth operation of Troop 542.

After reading the above, fill in a parent’s name. They will receive a copy of this application for review.