SPL applications are due by February 9. ASPL applications are due by February 15. PLC applications are due by February 22. All other applications are due by February 26. If you do not meet a qualification for a job but believe you are a good fit and would like to apply, you must contact the Scoutmaster BEFORE applying to discuss. All Junior Leaders are strongly encouraged to attend the ILST (Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troop) training coming up this spring (exact date to follow). PLC members must attend or discuss with the Scoutmaster.

Please fill in your top 3 choices for leadership jobs. All positions take effect following the Troop dinner in March and typically continue until the same time next year. Be sure to read ALL details and qualifications carefully for the job before applying.

Although preference is given to Scouts who can fill a role for a whole year, SOME positions may be split with another qualified candidate for a half-year term.