On Friday, September 25, 2021, more than 30 Scouts and adults from Scouts BSA Troop 542 set out to hike section three of the Appalachian Trail. The group split into two crews. The more experienced crew hiked 13.3 miles, while the novice crew hiked 8.5 miles. The groups stayed together using the buddy system and counted off by number to make sure everyone was safe and not left behind. Because this was a backpacking trip, all the participants carried everything, from tents to food, that they might need on the trail on their backs. All that stuff definitely has weight! A Scout that weighs 120 pounds can carry as much as 24 pounds on their back (20 percent of their body weight, which is the recommended amount). Everyone enjoyed scenic views and trail cooking using boiling water and dehydrated food after a hard day of hiking. A troop tradition that occurs every September, this backpacking trip was an enjoyable way to kick off the fall quarter.

Categories: Troop Trips