For our December campout, Troop 542 camped in cabins located near the Chesapeake Bay. On Saturday, everyone got up and got cooking. The Python Patrol made pancakes, and the Lightning Patrol made pancakes with Oreos inside them. Following breakfast, four Scouts attended a Catholic faith service, first-year Scouts learned fire safety and started cooking fires and the rest of the Scouts played Capture the Flag. Then all the Scouts gathered at the cabin to make lunch. The Lightning and Cougar Patrols made hot dogs, the Sharks made burgers and the Pythons made grilled cheese sandwiches.

The afternoon was spent playing extreme board games, with one member from each Patrol playing in each game group. The board games we played were Disney trivia, Pokemon monopoly, Uno, Jumbo Jenga and more. The Pine Tree Patrol was the overall first place winner! After this exciting and vigorous competition, some of the adults and Scouts took a nap. While they were sleeping, others played silent ball on top of the bunkbeds in the cabin using a football.

Later in the day, everyone made dinner with their patrols. The Eagle Patrol made more than enough and gave a lot away to other Scouts. Cleanup took about 15 minutes or less for most Patrols. After dinner we returned to more board games and card games such as War.

On Sunday, we woke up at 7:30 am and started cooking breakfast. The Sharks and Pythons made oatmeal, and the Eagles and adults made eggs. Everyone cleaned up their patrol areas before attending an interfaith service, where we sang songs and also did thorns and roses. We cleaned our cabins, then hopped into cars for a relaxing ride home after an extremely fun weekend of extreme board games!

Categories: Troop Trips